Customer Testimonials

I fix computers and help users locally – , here are a few testimonials from some of my customers :-

I was very impressed with Marks’ work , he clearly knows computers inside out and mine is now working well with Ubuntu and in English.
Thanks again.
John Manson / April 2014

How impressed have we been with Mark Waters, from the very first phone call to response the same afternoon and equally efficient follow ups.
Thanks to Mark we now have a fully efficient and working security system working with our adapted computer equipment.
We wouldn’t hesitate to use Mark again or recommend him to our friends or business associates.
Kevin and Elaine Bennett / November 2013

After accidentally deleting five years of photos without a backup I was feeling pretty devastated.
However a friend suggested I speak to Mark and he came over as soon as he could.
With his help I have now recovered the photos and he has also backed them up in three locations , *phew*
His rates are very reasonable and he had a wide depth of knowledge on all things computer related.
I would recommend him should you have a situation you can’t resolve yourself and am happy to speak to anyone about his work should they wish to contact me.
Sheena McMaster / / Google+ / November 2012

I was at my wits end, having nothing but problems with my computer for five years.
Mark assessed my needs and solved them by replacing my old Windows XP with Ubuntu Linux, cleaning out the computer and increasing the memory.
I now have a far better and faster machine that suits my business needs.
He is extremely professional and he listens and was also able to communicate on a my level.
If you are unsure of your ability to keep up with the latest things and are struggling as I was then don’t hesitate to contact him.
Mark is the man who will show you the way , his patience, enthusiasm, understanding and quiet humor, plus his back up service is priceless.
His rates are extremely good value for money.
I whole heartedly recommend him and am happy to speak with anyone about his service.
Veronica and Alan MacKay / alloron / alan . mackay @ orange . fr / Google+ / June 2012

Mark Waters offers a first class tech service in rural France.
I was amazed at how fast he sorted out my internet problems.
He came out immediately (on his bike) and got the WiFi working for the first time ever.
Previously my Mac was connected to the internet by cables , now my iMac, Macbook and iPad work wirelessly.
A slick and efficient tech service in rural France, that I cannot recommend enough.
My only regret is that I did not call him sooner.
Thank you Mark.
Karen Wheeler / / @mimipompom1 / Google+ / May 2012

Mark is very knowledgeable in his sphere and also a very nice person.
He is helpful, patient, interested and we found him to be honest and keen to give value for money.
Thank you Mark for helping us ensure we are technologically fit for the 21st century.
Michael and Noreen Blackburn / Saint Romain / @NoreenChip / Google+ / November 2011

Mark has been extremely helpful with my computer problems,
very understanding and patient with my “silver surfer” problems,
just the kind of chap I have been looking for.
Barrie Jackson / La Breuil d’Haleine / Google+ / November 2011

Very knowledgeable, and up to date.
All our problems solved – everything is not a problem, always very helpful,excellent work, very reliable would strongly recommend.
Lucy / Verteuil-sur-Charante / @lmck678

We are happy to recommend Mark for his computer support.
We have been pleased with his technical skills and positive manner.
He has gone out of his way to be helpful.
Rod and Jennie / Tillou

Fantastic professional friendly service, weight off ones shoulders
Michelle / Mauprevoir

Mark has an amazing knowledge of computers.
His enthusiasm is remarkable and he will go to any lengths to help solve problems.
He has a special talent for understanding dinosaurs (machines and owners) and the necessary patience to deal with both. Highly recommended.
Rob and Jean / Chatain / @fussellfrance1 / Google+